Bill Myrick Art

Maui painter Bill Myrick's connection to the Honu, Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle, began the first time he dove off the coast of Maui and was greeted eye to eye by one of these magnificent ancient mariners. From that encounter on, painting a sea turtle has been a reflection of his admiration and pure respect for their peaceful beauty.
Through his pursuit to capture this beauty in a life-like image, he developed a special time-sensitive process of layering the turtles with vivid, bold, translucent colors of acrylic enamel on a radiant background.
"It is my genuine hope that my paintings of the Honu will inspire in all of us a responsibility to honor and protect their fragile lineage and help to preserve their ocean world." — Bill Myrick
For more information about the art of Bill Myrick, please call 510-449-7684 or use our contact form.
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